Saturday, September 24, 2016

15 Month Vocabulary

Here are Thalia's words at 15 months old: Mama, Dada, Hi, Up, Out, and Agua.
She loves her daddy, but often cries "I want Mama!" when Daddy disappoints her (all too often).
She also does a lot of shaking her head no to our questions. 
Most of the time she means yes...
Image result for shaking head no gif

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Twinkle in my Eye

I got out of bed early on a Saturday morning with my one-year-old so Laura could sleep in. Sure, I'd rather be sleeping in, but there's something special about watching my toddler busily moving about the living room playing with her toys while singing "Dada, Dada" quietly to herself to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" that makes me delighted to be alive...

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Thalia Kisses

When holding Thalia, don't ask for a kiss, then close your eyes, and pucker your lips.
She's a headbutter! Right on the nose.... Then she laughs and does it again! Arghhh!...
Image result for butting goat