Monday, October 30, 2017


At breakfast:
Thalia: ...Sophia. Sophia. Sophia. Sophia...
Sophia: (ignores Thalia)
Thalia: ...Sophia. Sophia. Sophia. Sophia...
Laura: Sophia! Please answer your sister.
Sophia: What.
Thalia: My eyes are closed!
Laura: That was worth it, hahaha!
Sophia: (sigh)
Image result for eyes closed animated gif

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Bottom Drawer

Sophia: I can't find the pajamas!
Laura: They're in the bottom drawer!
Thalia: You said "bottom." Hahahaha!

And now Laura's got a giggle fit.
Image result for bottom drawer

Friday, October 6, 2017

Car Shopping

Laura's Post:

Me: Thalia, we're going to shop for a new car today.
Thalia: A racing car?!
Me: No.
Thalia: (disappointed) Oh. OK...

She had other suggestions (which I don't think can fit three car seats)...