Monday, November 20, 2017

Car Bubble

Laura's Post:

Thalia: Your other car broke?
Me: Yes.
Thalia: It popped?

Thankfully, no.
Image result for car shaped balloon

The Naughty One

Laura's Post:

Feeding Freya, she repeatedly knocks the spoon out of my hand and laughs. 

Me: Wow! You're a naughty one!
Thalia: No. I'M the naughty one!

Oh, boy.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

I Do Déclair

I celebrate the end of our shopping trip at Meijer by opening a small box of mini éclairs to share with my girls, Daddy's little helpers. 

A toddler near us whines to her mother about wanting a donut.

"No, honey, we're not getting donuts."

"But why is she eating a donut?"

"Because she's shopping with her daddy."

The mother definitely meant for me to hear her say that.

I look at the mom and mouth apologetically, "Don't tell Mommy!"

She gives me a weary "Thanks for that" look and strolls away with her whimpering daughter with the sad eyes..

I can't say I feel bad about that. Too busy eating yummy éclairs with my happy-eyed children... ; )
Image result for mini eclairs

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Animal Teeth!

Laura's Post:

Me: Aunty Kitt is coming for Christmas.
Thalia: What we get her?
Me: I don't know.
Thalia: Animal teeth!
Me: Animal teeth?
Thalia: Lion and piggy teeth!
(She leaves the room and comes back with a visual aid)
Me: Oh! An electric toothbrush!
Thalia: (triumphant ) Animal teeth!

Climbing Wall

Thalia: (frustrated and pointing to the china cabinet) I can't climb up the climbing wall!

It's going to be a long winter.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Stretching All Night

First thing in the morning, I am less than coherent, so it takes me a while to process that my two-year-old is trying to chat with me. She's not fazed by that. She'll happily repeat herself until she's acknowledged...

Thalia: Daddy, I was stretching all night. I was stretching all night. I was stretching all night. I was stretching all night. I was stretching all night.
Sophia: You were stretching?
Thalia: No, all night.
Me: Why were you stretching all night?
Thalia: Because.
Image result for stretching kitty gif