Saturday, December 2, 2017

Nap Time Negotiator

Me: Okay, Thalia. It's time for a nap.
Thalia: Maybe it's not.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Peppa Pig Chocolate Eggs

Laura's Post:

Twas the month of Christmas, and all through the house... it was suspiciously quiet...
"Thalia, where are you?"
Thalia emerged from her room, mouth covered in chocolate.
"I was eating a treat!"
"What! There are no treats."

Sophia's handmade wrapping paper was strewn across the bedroom floor. The Peppa Pig chocolate egg box was completely gone. After the "I WANT SOME MORE!!" tantrum had subsided, I said, "If you find a treat, ask me before you eat it." Yep, it sounded ridiculous to me once I said it, too. 

We'll just agree that, if we find a chocolate egg, we will devour it happily and apologize later.
Image result for peppa pig chocolate eggs