Monday, August 20, 2018

Some Healthy Self-esteem

At bedtime:
Me: Thalia, I think you're wonderful.
Thali: Yes, I am beautiful.
Me: Haha! I said wonderful, not beautiful! But you're right. You're both wonderful and beautiful!
Thalia: Yes, I am wonderful and beautiful...

Friday, August 10, 2018

The Y?

Me: I would love to visit Hawaii. It's a beautiful paradise!
Thalia: The Y?
Me: The Y?
Sophia: No, Thalia. Hawaii. It's a beautiful country in the United States!
Thalia: The Y?...

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Big Bug Bite

Me: I have a big bug bite on my back that itches terribly! Maybe it's a spider bite.
Thalia: Or a bunny bite.
Me: Maybe.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Toast with Peanut Butter

Me: Here's your toast with peanut butter. I cut it up for you. Just take one piece at a time. If you finish it, you can eat another piece. OK?
Thalia: Is there a sign that says I can't  take two?
Me: Uhh, no.
Thalia: OK.